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Loco Latitiudes

Urgent Care in the Time of Covid

So for those of you who don't know me I have this innate knack for injuring myself or getting sick. I often have weird things and I am no stranger to hospitals/Dr/urgent cares. So it should come as no real surprise that I got to visit an urgent care recently. What makes this one different is that of course there is a pandemic so I really had to decide how badly I wanted to go vs. my likely chances of getting covid from going to an urgent care. Then there is the added fact that we are in the Upper Peninsula Michigan and its not exactly the suburbs of Chicago where there is an urgent care on every corner. Once I found one in our town (the town we are in has a hospital!) then I had to overcome the question when I made the appointment of "Have you been out of the UP in the last 14 days?" Now I've been asked a lot of questions over the years but never that one. So my answer is of course "Yes." Which meant that before I could actually make the appointment I had to talk to a nurse, to confirm I (probably) didn't have covid. Once she was satisfied I probably didn't because I don't have a fever, shortness of breath, and I had a recent(ish) covid test, I could confirm the appointment and come in.

Once I got to the Urgent Care/Hospital/Rural Health Clinic it wasn't much different then my Dr's appointment before I left. Someone was at the entrance asking questions and taking temps and directing me to where to go. In a small town in Upper Peninsula Michigan I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. The "Rural Health Clinic" is part of the hospital so it was easy to find.

Now for the actual appointment, let me preface this by saying I love older "field" Dr's. I used to work for a vet in rural New Mexico and he was one of the best I have ever worked with hands down, he unfortunately tragically died in a plane crash. But I have found with rural vets (and Dr's. as well) it's not 20 questions. It's "Hey whats up?" "Oh ok looks like it's probably this, here you go, if you don't get better come back and have a nice day." I think I was in there a total of 20 minutes and he called the script into the one pharmacy in town. So now I'm the proud owner of Doxycycline for the next 10 days since he thinks I got bit by a tick and that's why my lymph nodes are swelling. I did warn you it's always something odd.....

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