I have really loved being in Petoskey. Its a nice change from the suburbs of Chicago and plenty of things to do outside and not being around people much. Every morning around 7:30 we start off with a 6 mile (round trip) bike ride down to Lake Michigan, I finally feel like I am getting back in shape. Then in the afternoons we will drive to a park and go walk along the beach and look for rocks, or climb on rocks. Petoskey has a lot of cute little pull over area's near the water. The water up here is so clear it's amazing even if it is a little cold. After that we take the dogs for another walk, which initially they loved but have grown weary of over time, to the point where they don't move when I ask if they want to go for a walk. We have settled into a great routine and I'm excited about it!

My bike has worked perfectly since the first nail in my tire incident.