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Loco Latitiudes

Not So Fast

As you can tell my first outing on my (new to me) bike didn't go well. To start with I didn't have a real bike initially, so we went on online (where else?) and found a local guy that fixes up bikes. I only needed one right? But we left with two (for reasons unknown to me) but my husband was happy, something about one of them was "rare" and we could use the other as a parts bike. At this point I was regretting not spending a few hundred bucks at Walmart and getting what I wanted, but two is better then one so I've been told. My husband true to his word fixed them up (both of them!) so we set out on our maiden voyage! We rode out a few miles and turned around to come back since it was getting dark and as I crossed the street and rode about 10 feet I heard this horrible metal noise. Turns out I picked up a giant nail and it was sticking out of my tire, so of course my tire was flat within about 10 seconds. Which meant that I got to walk the mile back to the bus, so I guess it was exercise either way. I can't say my first ride was a resounding success I have high hopes for the next one!

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