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Loco Latitiudes

New Year, New Adventure

Where are we going?!

I don't know anyone who isn't happy that 2020 has drawn to a close (except maybe some uber rich ceo's that have profited off the pandemic this year). Everyone I know is looking forward to a brighter and better 2021 and while we have been very lucky to not have the hardships a lot of people have (after all we still have jobs to go back to) I won't be sad to see 2020 to the door. We have had some fun times this year in spite of it all though. Buying Maddie bus was one of the best things about this year. Other then her petulance occasionally to be Maddie the Mobster (our dryer tried to catch on fire the other day) she's been a good bus and we've traveled almost 10,000 miles in her. We have tried to turn lemons into lemonade by taking the extra time we have had and doing something with it, from out hiking trip in Glacier to looking for rocks along the Lake Superior shore line, camping has been the way to go this year.

As we look to next year we have a new adventure in store. We have been working on it for a while but didn't receive conformation of it until a few days ago. Our new LocoLatitude will be 38.7223° N, 9.1393° W (Lisbon Portugal). We have had this crazy idea for a year or so but have never had the time to make it work and now we will! Don't worry about Maddie though we have found her a nice home for inside while we are gone and will of course will have adventures with her next year and already have some planned!

Taken from one of our past trips to Lisbon.

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